Kindergarten at SNA is rooted in inquiry and problem based learning.
Skills based, integrated and multi-sensory, emphasis is placed on social-emotional wellness and the development of strong interpersonal skills. Kindergarten at 2nd Nature Academy is a skills based program that relies heavily on the importance of play to teach interpersonal skills and conflict resolution. This program is designed to prepare students for first grade by providing important pre reading and pre writing skills throughout the school year. Many students will begin reading and writing by the end of kindergarten but it is not a requirement to advance to first grade. The kindergarten program at 2nd Nature Academy is designed to fill the tool box for each child with necessary skills for when they are developmentally ready to begin reading and writing.
Students must be 5 by September 30th to be eligible for 2nd Nature Academy kindergarten. For students who do not meet the minimum age requirement or could use an extra year for social-emotional or academic readiness, we recommend our interim-kindergarten program.
Lower Elementary curriculum focuses on social-emotional wellness, interpersonal skills, and conflict resolution
Similar to all programs, our elementary program (grades 1-5) is deeply rooted in inquiry and problem-based learning. It is skills based, integrated and multi-sensory. In addition, there is strong emphasis placed on cooperative learning, community outreach, and environmental awareness and responsibility. As with every grade level, critical thinking skills that are age and developmentally appropriate are developed within the classroom. The elementary program is designed to serve as the framework for specific content taught, which may also be influenced by student and teacher interest, school wide activities and current events.


Students in middle school benefit from being in an environment that includes mentor relationships with teachers, small class sizes, individualized instruction and attention, and a flexible curriculum that allows for active and personalized learning.
Middle school is a unique period in a student’s academic career. The middle school years are marked by distinct physiological and emotional growth. Similar to all programs, our middle school program (grades 6-8) at SNA is deeply rooted in inquiry and problem-based learning, with skills-based, integrated, and multi-sensory curriculum. The middle school program emphasizes the importance of social-emotional wellness, interpersonal skills, and conflict resolution. In addition, teachers intentionally and deliberately incorporate cooperative learning, community outreach, and environmental awareness and responsibility where appropriate. As with every grade level, critical thinking skills that are age and developmentally appropriate are developed within the classroom. Middle school course curriculum is designed to serve as the framework for specific content taught, which may also be influenced by student and teacher interest, schoolwide activities, and current events. There is heavy emphasis on developing independence and strengthening executive functioning skills.
The high school program at SNA fosters independence, responsibility and strengthening executive functioning skills in a safe and supportive environment.
The high school program operates on both an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary model, and is heavily rooted in both inquiry and problem-based learning. An interdisciplinary approach teaches concepts and skills from two or more disciplines that are tightly linked so as to deepen knowledge and skills. A transdisciplinary approach requires students to undertake real world problems and projects, and apply skills and knowledge from two or more disciplines. This allows for a more authentic and purposeful learning experience, challenging the efficacy of traditional teaching methods and engaging students in real world problem-solving and experiential learning. Student-centered learning and autonomy support increased motivation, improved decision-making abilities, and enhanced critical and creative thinking capacities. The high school years are a unique period of social emotional development, rooted in identity and independence.