All photos will be taken against a neutral backdrop.
School photo day is a free service and families may elect to order photos after review of the gallery.
Wednesday, November 13
Gr. K/1 (Lopez)
Gr. 2/3 (Hernandez)
Gr. 4 (Hill)
Gr. 5/6 (Coakley)
Gr. 6-12 (Upper School)
Additional Staff: 2nd Nature Academy
Thursday, November 14
Pre-Kindergarten (Frogs)
Preschool (Alpacas)
Additional Staff: Nature's Pathways
Make-Up Day*: TBA
Make-Up Day
Donna Desimone Photography offers one make-up day, which is reserved for children who were absent on their photo day. (Occasionally, younger children are nervous about sitting for school photos. If this occurs, the school will inform the parent/guardian and ask if they would like their child to resit on the make-up day.)
The photographer is unable to offer re-takes, although you are welcome to contact Donna Desimone Photography to inquire about booking a private session for your child/family.
Orders & Gallery Access
Photos will be posted in a private, password-protected online gallery shared strictly with school families in mid- to late-November.
No pre-payment is required for your child to have their portrait taken. You may choose to order prints once the gallery is shared and you are provided access information.
- All inquiries related to your child's school photo order(s) should be made to Donna Desimone Photography.